Accessing Your Body’s Wisdom
Self care, Wise Women Elizabeth Cush Self care, Wise Women Elizabeth Cush

Accessing Your Body’s Wisdom

Our bodies are wise…we just don’t always realize that. Our bodies, and the physical and emotional responses we experience in our bodies, provide us with really helpful information about how we’re doing and how we are experiencing the world—if only we would listen to it.

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Opening Space for Growth and Move Through Burn-Out

Opening Space for Growth and Move Through Burn-Out

When we’re busying ourselves because we want to feel productive—not because we have the energy and creativity for it—it’s a sure-fire way to end up burned out. And burnout leads to a lack of motivation and avoidance.

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Shameless in 2022

Shameless in 2022

Our shame lessens, and its power diminishes when we bring it into the light. When we explore the fears that lie behind the shame, it gives us a chance to see our shame with a little more compassion. And as we share our pain and our feelings of shame with the people we trust, it lightens. We’re no longer carrying the burden alone.

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