Finding Joy and Peace During the Holidays —and Every Day

This essay was originally published in my December 2024 newsletter.

By now you’ve made it through — I mean celebrated! — Thanksgiving. Every year I promise myself to make it easier on me, but I like delicious food and hosting a lovely event so, it’s a lot of work. I think I did pretty well this year but it’s not always been that way.

The holidays can be a challenge for everyone, and if you’re highly sensitive, there’s a lot of environmental stimuli, so it’s easy to get overwhelmed.

And if you’re grieving, it’s even harder.

Holiday lights and music, more gathering with lots of people, the pressure of getting the “right’ gift, just deciding on a gift, and the constant reminder of how many days we have left before the big day.

Even if you don’t celebrate Christmas, you have no choice but to be bombarded by all the  pre-gaming — my local radio station started playing non-stop Christmas music the day after Halloween.

The purpose of this essay isn’t to remind you of all the ways the holidays are tough. I want to share a few tips on finding some joy, peace, and gratitude this holiday season and beyond, especially as we’re moving closer to the new presidential administration being in power.

Mindful Moments

Mindful moments get me through life and all of its uncertainty. Taking a moment to take in the beauty of trees, the smell of the earth, the sound of the birds can fill your soul and rebalance your inner energy.

Mindful moments can be done wherever you are, they don’t have to happen in nature. Just take a moment to look around you and notice colors, smells, textures, sounds, and tastes.

Bitesize Gratefulness

Finding gratitude can be hard if we’re feeling overwhelmed. But pausing a moment to notice small things that help you feel a little gratitude can help you feel more balanced and aligned. The sun on your face, a flavorful cup of tea, comfortable shoes, a soft blanket, a hug.

Making bitesize gratitude a part of your daily routine can lift your spirit without much effort.

The Relationships That Fill Your Cup

Connecting with the people who know and understand you, the people who cherish your gifts as an HSP, is so important. We’re wired for deep connection but can get overwhelmed easily when the energy feels off.

It’s important to honor your needs and create boundaries with the people who diminish or minimize your needs.

Finding and keeping close the people and communities that embrace you really matters.

Taking Time for Rest

As HSPs — and for every woman I know — it can be hard to take the time we need to rest. We’ve been told from day one to be productive, to take care of others first, that our needs are secondary. So, giving yourself permission to rest when you need to is a radical act!

Rest can come in all shapes and sizes. It can be a quiet moment in your car before and event. It can be a full-on nap. It can be taking a mindful walk or taking your dog on a walk.

Rest are those moments when you allow yourself to reset from all the environmental stimuli we take in all day long.

I hope these suggestions help you find peace, gratitude, and joy this holiday, and all season long.

If you’re looking to build more community with other HS women, the next Sacred Circles of Support for HS women start January 10th ! Find out more here.


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