Mid-Life Introspection and Reflection
Woman reflecting | photo by @kajtek—unsplash
This post was originally published in my newsletter.
As you enter and move through midlife you might find you’re more curious and patient with yourself. And maybe new insights are arising. And if you have highly sensitive traits, you’re probably very attuned to your strengths and weaknesses already.
For me, as I entered midlife, I wanted clarity about who I was, and why I am who I am, so I went I search of myself. Because I wanted this part of my life to feel easeful, not so stressful.
But growth doesn’t always come easily! And some insights are hard to stomach, especially when we’re looking at ourselves with the perspective we have at this time in life.
Parts of you might want to criticize your younger self for the things you did or didn’t do. Parts of you might regret roads not taken or decisions you made back then.
And I get it! It’s not always easy to see our past selves with unconditional care and kindness. But our younger parts want and need to be loved and understood. Even in the mistakes, or poor judgment. And especially in the hurt and loneliness.
It’s taken me a long time to be able to look back on my college age self and see her fully and compassionately. And offer her the care, and love, and connection that she needed back then but didn’t get. And I can see now how lonely she was, and how hard that was.
My midlife presented the perfect time to take stock, reflect, and gain insight. I was at a place where I could meet the painful emotions that arose while reflecting on my life.
During this time in your life, you can learn to listen and fully hear your parts in a new way. And with highly sensitive traits you’re built for the deeper processing that midlife brings.
You appreciate deeper connections versus superficial ones. So, why not build a deeper relationship with yourself? Your most important relationship!
Of course, you can do a lot of work on your own, but I’ve found it’s much easier to have a partner(s) on the path with you. Because they can offer an objective perspective with support and compassion, all while helping you create more peace, ease, and comfort within you.
I get guidance, support, and insight from therapists, coaches, energy workers…and each one opens new doors to explore.
Today my abundance coach shared with our group, The more we do this work [clearing blocks and opening up space within] the deeper we go and the more we learn about ourselves. I’ve paraphrased her words but you get the idea.
If you only wade in to your ankles you’ll only feel the water on your feet and ankles. But when you’re submerged, your whole body is exposed to the water’s healing properties.
If you’d like to do some deeper work and are curious about working with me you can schedule a free 45-minute call to see if life coaching is right for you.
Elizabeth Cush is a women’s life coach, a therapist, and the creator and host of the Woman Worriers and Awaken Your Wise Woman podcasts. She’s also the founder of Progression Counseling in Annapolis, Md and has been featured in these major publications. Elizabeth helps women reduce stress and anxiety and live with more authenticity, ease and purpose. Click here if you'd like to know more about working with Elizabeth.