The Difference Between Coaching and Therapy: How Do You Choose?
How do I chose? | photo by @euniveeerse—unsplash
*This post was originally published in my May newsletter. If you’d like to receive the twice monthly newsletter you can sign-up here!
Life coaching and therapy have many similarities, but they are different in some significant ways.
Trauma Therapy
In my therapy practice, I see men and women in Maryland and Delaware—where I’m licensed— who’ve experienced trauma and struggle with stress and anxiety. Our work focuses on helping them live with more ease and contentment.
In trauma therapy, we’re usually working toward healing old wounds—and some new wounds, too. The work can be emotionally triggering, and we work together to help the client feel grounded and safe in order to reduce the anxiety and stress.
Because healing trauma is very personal and sensitive, the length of time for therapy is usually open ended. In contrast, the coaching relationship is for a set, clearly defined period of time.
Life Coaching for Women In Midlife
My coaching clients are women in midlife from all over the country —and the world—who feel overwhelmed and unfulfilled. Our work helps them embrace and embody their inner wise woman so that they can fully enjoy the beautiful life they’ve created.
With coaching, we focus less on mental health and more on highlighting what’s keeping you from feeling and accessing your wisdom and your strengths.
Coaching sessions are very client driven and structured, usually with a set goal that the client has chosen for our work that day. Some common goals include finding clarity, or gaining perspective on and working through the obstacles that are keeping the clients stuck in a particular area of their life.
Rewarding Work
Whether you work with me as a coach or therapist, we work together as a team. The focus is on your needs. We work to help you move forward and address the challenges you face so that you can live life with more ease, fulfillment and joy.
The work is always rewarding and worth it!
Want to know more? You can book a 30-minute discovery call here.
* The descriptions above are based on working with me, Elizabeth Cush, as a therapist or life coach. Work with another professional might look different.
Elizabeth Cush is a women’s life coach, a therapist, and the creator and host of the Woman Worriers and Awaken Your Wise Woman podcasts. She’s also the founder of Progression Counseling in Annapolis, Md and has been featured in these major publications. Elizabeth helps women bring forth their inner gifts and live with more authenticity, ease and purpose. Click here if you'd like to know more about working with Elizabeth.
Photo by @iankeefe—Unsplash