Step Into Your Power
Feminine power | photo by @jul_xander—unsplash
This blog was originally shared in my newsletter
Our Feminine Power
Sometimes the phrase, “stepping into your power,” feels intimidating to me. And although my mom was a great role model—she was a very strong woman—she was born into a culture that said men are the real power source.
I definitely absorbed some of that. So, feeling powerful—standing fully in my feminine power and energy— is something I continue to work on.
And for many of the women I work with, showing their power can feel scary and unappealing. Because power is considered a very masculine trait, and not something they were taught to embody.
But we all have power, and when we choose not to embrace and embody it, we lose a very important part of ourselves.
Interestingly, when you Google the definition for the word power, the first definition is:
Pow · er
“the ability to do something or act in a particular way, especially as a faculty or quality.”
Here’s an example:
"the power of showing up fully and authentically"
Standing in our power
In this example, the word power doesn’t mean you’re using your power over someone else. You’re using the power of your actions and your being. That, to me, is the definition of feminine energy and power.
And I believe that when we show up fully, authentically, and without apologies we’re a powerful force!
Again, I want to stress that we’re not forcing our power over anyone else. We’re standing in the power that is us. And the world needs more feminine power and feminine energy.
Feminine energy is fierce, tolerant, compassionate, being, receiving, feeling, emotional, relationship oriented, allowing, creative and intuitive.
Embody Your Power
When you embody your feminine power and energy you begin to:
feel more comfortable in your skin
know the internal the strength that is always yours
show up fully and compassionately
Here are a few questions that can help you ignite your power and energy-
Where do you hold yourself back?
What parts of you are living in the shadows and longing to come into the light?
How would you like to step more fully into and embrace your feminine power?
I want you to let your beautiful feminine light and energy shine through!
Elizabeth Cush is a women’s life coach, a therapist, and the creator and host of the Woman Worriers and Awaken Your Wise Woman podcasts. She’s also the founder of Progression Counseling in Annapolis, Md and has been featured in these major publications. Elizabeth helps women reduce stress and anxiety and live with more authenticity, ease and purpose. Click here if you'd like to know more about working with Elizabeth.