Opening Space for Growth and Move Through Burn-Out
Space for growth | photo by @greg_rosenke—unsplash
I recently had no energy to be productive. I was exhausted, I was questioning my work, and overall, I felt misaligned with myself. I realized that when I wasn’t actively working with my clients, I had been doing things—being productive—around my home and for my business because it made me feel better about my free time if I “accomplished” something.
When we’re busying ourselves because we want to feel productive—not because we have the energy and creativity for it—it’s a sure-fire way to end up burned out. And burnout leads to a lack of motivation and avoidance.
It dawned on me that I’d been in avoidance mode for a few months
I’d put a lot of time and energy into growing my visibility as a therapist. I blogged weekly for two years. Then I decided to do a podcast, which I did weekly for three years, while reducing the blogging to once or twice a month and continuing to write my bi-monthly newsletter.
I created a beginner’s guide for mindfulness and meditation and recorded The Three Invitations.
I helped design and write the copy for my new coaching website while developing my coaching business model for women who’ve given so much to others and want to find their way back home to themselves.
Then I decided it was time to revamp my podcast, and I brought the new version out into the world.
I was doing all of this while seeing a full schedule of my clients each week.
It’s not surprising that burnout crept in, and yet I was surprised! Working was where I felt worthy and accomplished, and so I kept pushing—until I couldn’t. It felt as if my creative juices had run dry. The truth was, I was tired of producing, and I needed more creative outlets. Creativity for the joy of creating!
The heaviness I felt around producing new stuff for my business and shame around not wanting to do it left me questioning a lot about myself and my work.
Then I started thinking about how I want to LIVE my life
What do I value? How do I want to feel when I decide it’s time to retire? At the rate I was going, retirement would have been a shock to my system! I wouldn’t know what to do with myself. If I were always working on the next project and not taking the time to explore and do the other things I enjoy, I’d have a big hole in my life.
I have to admit, writing this felt so f#cking scary. By putting my questions and my feelings about my work out into the world—sharing that I want to work less and enjoy my life more—it was as if suddenly my skin didn’t fit anymore, and everyone could see it.
I’ve prided myself on knowing what was next, and now I wasn’t sure what “next” would look and feel like. How could I help other women when I was looking for my path?
And that’s the hard part of personal growth! We feel like a mess when we’re in it! Vulnerable, uncomfortable, fraudulent, scared.
You name it, I was a tangled mess of feelings, and that felt so hard to share—the old shame crept in. It was then that I knew it was time to bring some fresh air to my processing. It was time to bring my struggle into the light and let some new sprouts grow and emerge. And as hard as it was to come to this point, I feel better for sharing the struggle!
So, when you’re feeling burned out, lost, in need of direction, how do you find your way back to what matters most? Slow things down, shine some light, reflect. Come back to your values— what matters to you— and clear away some of the debris that’s been clogging your growth.
If you’re feeling stuck and need a place to start, here are some prompts to get you back in touch with what matters to you:
What do you hold true and close to your heart?
Where are you falling short in taking care of yourself?
How do you move a few steps closer to the things that fill you up and bring you joy?
What can you shift so that you feel more aligned with your purpose, your desires, your dreams?
Are there people or things in your life that no longer serve you?
Are there people you want to bring closer?
Bring your curiosity, your compassion, your open-hearted loving presence when exploring what’s not working and what needs to shift, and you’ll find yourself there.
Clearing your path back to your truest self—your home—gives you the space for growth and realignment.
Your life is meant for living fully.
You matter.
You deserve to come back home to you, your wisest self.
Elizabeth Cush is a women’s life coach, a therapist, and the creator and host of the Woman Worriers and Awaken Your Wise Woman podcasts. She’s also the founder of Progression Counseling in Annapolis, Md and has been featured in these major publications. Elizabeth helps women bring forth their inner gifts and live with more authenticity, ease and purpose. Click here if you'd like to know more about working with Elizabeth.
Photo by @iankeefe—Unsplash