How to Identify What You Need and Ask for It
Episode 13: Sharon Martin on Boundaries
If you often feel overwhelmed or resentful, this episode of Awaken Your Wise Woman is for you. Host Elizabeth Cush welcomes Sharon Martin back to the podcast for a engaging conversation about what boundaries are and how they can you get what you need.
“A boundary is a dividing line that defines who you are as an individual and how you’ll interact with others.”
Show Notes:
Maybe you say “yes” when you mean “no.” Maybe you need help but don’t ask. Maybe you don’t even know what you need, or where those around you end and you begin. If any of those things sound true for you, you’re not alone. Boundaries don’t come naturally to most of us. The good news is, we can learn the skills we need to set them. In this episode of the Awaken Your Wise Woman (previously Woman Worriers) podcast, host Elizabeth Cush, LCPC, a licensed professional therapist, founder of Progression Counseling in Annapolis, Md., and a mid-life women’s life coach, welcomes Sharon Martin, LCSW, a licensed psychotherapist specializing in codependency recovery and author of The CBT Workbook for Perfectionism and The Better Boundaries Workbook. They talk about healthy boundaries and why they're so important, how we can get better at creating and holding our boundaries, and knowing what boundaries we need to help us live more authentically.
Listen and learn:
Different ways that we use boundaries (or not) in unhealthy ways—and why
Why boundaries are hard to describe and how we might define them
Different aspects of boundaries and why everyone’s boundaries are different
How boundaries help us maintain our sense of self
The role of boundaries in our relationships
How our sense of responsibility can make it difficult to set and hold boundaries
Why it’s important to set a boundary with worry
The dangers of digging in our heals or disrespecting others’ boundaries
Why we might shift when setting boundaries with our children
Learn more:
Sharon Martin’s website
Sharon Martin, LCSW on Facebook
Sharon Martin, LCSW on Instagram
Sharon Martin’s Conquering Codependency blog for Psychology Today
The Better Boundaries Workbook: A CBT-Based Program to Help You Set Limits, Express Your Needs, and Create Health Relationships by Sharon Martin
Guided meditations from Progression Counseling
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