It’s Time to Invest in Your Happiness
Episode 4: Biz Cush on Asking for Help
Too many women focus all their energy on others and don’t stop to take care of themselves. If that sounds familiar, this episode of Awaken Your Wise Woman is for you! Elizabeth Cush talks about how coaching can help—if you ask.
“Taking care of others is what I do best. And yet, when it comes to taking care of me, it takes effort.”
Show Notes:
If you’ve been listening to the Awaken Your Wise Woman podcast, or the Woman Worriers podcast before that, you know that we all have parts of ourselves that can be harsh. Although they may be trying to protect us, they can actually keep us from taking care of ourselves. In this episode, host Elizabeth Cush, LCPC, a licensed professional therapist, founder of Progression Counseling in Annapolis, Md., and a mid-life women’s life coach, talks about how difficult it can be when those parts show up. She shares her own struggles with learning to ask for help when those voices tell her that she shouldn’t need—or ask for—help or that her struggle isn’t that bad. She talks about what changed and set her on her journey back to her authentic self and what your life could be like if you reached out.
Listen and learn:
What you missed if you didn’t listen to the previous episodes of the Awaken Your Wise Woman podcast
The many reasons why investing time or money into ourselves can be so difficult—and why it’s so necessary
How coaching can help you see that YOU are worth more than a handbag or a haircut
The dark places we can go when we don’t ask for help dealing with life’s stresses
Some of the stories we tell ourselves to avoid asking for help
The kinds of steps that we can take on our journey back to ourselves
How taking care of ourselves can help make us better care takers and build better relationships with those we love
Options for making change in your life—and where to find the resources for them
Learn more:
Guided meditations from Progression Counseling
Blog post: “Can you change your relationship with your inner critic?”
Blog post: “Where Do Your Needs Fall on Your List?”
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