Biz's BLOG
For Sensitive Wise Women
Resources and inspiration from Elizabeth Cush

Tension is in the Air: And we Can Feel It!
Something needs to shift. And at times that feels overwhelming to me too. It feels too big for just one person to make a difference. So, I get stuck in the bigness of it all.

People Pleasing and Perfectionism
If you were raised in a family that didn’t know and understand HSPs, the messages you often heard were to shut down or control your feelings, control the over-stimulation and overwhelm, don’t be so sensitive. But you are sensitive! It’s an integral part of who you are, and it’s not something that needs “fixing!”

High Sensitivity, Meditation, and Mindfulness
I needed tools to help me slow down, listen, to turn inward. That’s where mindfulness and meditation come in.

Caring for the Caregiver
Taking care of your nervous system — taking care of yourself while you care for others — is important.

The Power of Self-Compassion
Those long-heard messages around being tough, not wallowing in your feelings, and moving on, have deep roots. So, doing things differently—giving myself care and kindness—takes a lot of practice. And can feel just as uncomfortable as the memories and feelings of trauma.

Life on Repeat
And each time you fall back into old patterns, behaviors, or ways of being you might wonder if this will ever end. You might be asking yourself, “Will there be a time when I don’t make the same mistakes, or think the same things, or do the same things?” Will I ever fully heal?”

Managing Transitions in Midlife
What might change if you could see the parts of you that frustrate, shame, or embarrass you as your inner child or infant? And if you knew that they were responding to stress from their childhood experiences, how would that change your relationship with those parts.

My Experience With IFS—internal Family Systems
The most basic assumption of IFS is that we all have parts. We are a system of parts that sometimes work well together and sometimes not so much. And at the core of our being we all have a Self. The loving, caring, compassionate, creative, curious Self.