Wrapping up Season 2
Episode 22: Biz Cush on Season 2 and Summer
We’re close to 100,000 downloads! Listen in as Elizabeth Cush wraps up Season 2 of the Awaken Your Wise Woman podcast and looks ahead.
“Really being there in the moment with women from all over the world has been so great.”
Show Notes:
What’s on your calendar for this summer? Are you going to take some time for yourself? If you’ve been listening to Awaken Your Wise Woman, you probably know that the podcast will take a break for the summer. As Season 2 comes to an end, host Biz Cush, LCPC, a licensed professional therapist, founder of Progression Counseling in Annapolis, Md., and a mid-life women’s life coach, shares her thoughts about how the podcast has evolved and what you can look forward to when it returns in the fall.
Listen and learn:
How the Awaken Your Wise Woman podcast has evolved from the Woman Worriers podcast
Where in the world your fellow podcast listeners live
Which of this season’s episodes were most popular with other listeners
How to find out what’s coming up on the podcast over the summer, learn about free offers and more
What “midlife” is and why it can be so challenging, especially for women
How you can learn to keep your promises to yourself
What you can expect in Season 3 of the Awaken Your Wise Woman podcast—and when you can expect new episodes
How to get a free 30-minute phone consultation with Biz
How to share your thoughts and have input into upcoming episodes of the podcast
Learn more:
Guided meditations from Progression Counseling
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