Nurturing Your Highly Sensitive Energy

Biz Cush at the beach

Episode 12 season 5: Biz Cush on Emotional Regulation

If recent headlines are giving you headaches, listen in on this episode of the Awaken Your Wise Woman podcast, as host Elizabeth Cush talks about finding balance in an uncertain world.

Bringing your body, your energetic body, into the work, is so important.
— Biz Cush

Show Notes:

How are you doing? With so much going on in the world right now, it’s easy to feel for highly sensitive women to feel overwhelmed. In a political climate that feels so threatening to so many, it’s easy for the highly sensitive—especially the helpers, the healers, the empaths—to focus on caring for others and to overlook our own needs. That oversight takes an enormous toll. But how do we care for ourselves, how do we nurture our energy, when we feel so much anxiety, stress and heaviness all around? In this episode of the Awaken Your Wise Woman podcast, host Biz Cush, LCPC, a licensed professional therapist, founder of Progression Counseling in Maryland and Delaware, and a life coach for highly sensitive women, shares practical tips for finding balance and taking care of ourselves at times like these—and always.

Listen and learn:

Other episodes you might enjoy

Living an Aligned Life as a Highly Sensitive Woman

Resources mentioned in this episode

Drop in Virtual Group for Highly Sensitive Women

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