Mini-Courses for Women

Create a space within that says, “I’m home.”


Mini-courses with Elizabeth (Biz)

Please note: These courses are currently being re-organized and will be re-launched soon. They currently are on pause for the summer of 2022.


Intentional Life Transitions

As we move through our lives there are so many changes and transitions— new relationships, motherhood, a new job, going back to school or starting a career, ending a relationship, loss, becoming an empty nester, menopause, or thinking ahead to retirement and retiring…the list goes on.

And of course, sometimes the transitions feel smooth and easy. But at other times transitions can feel bumpy, disruptive and really hard.

With coaching, you’ll find the clarity and focus to move forward, especially through the tough stuff.


Building Self Compassion

Is there a part of you that looks for the mistakes and missteps and tells you all the ways you could have done it differently?

Though we know everyone makes mistakes, we blame ourselves for every little wrongdoing. We forget that our imperfections and our vulnerability are what make us beautifully human.

Embodying self-compassion can change your relationship with the most important person in your life, you!



Healthy Boundaries

Do you have a hard time saying no? Are you always putting aside your stuff to take care of someone else? How often do you feel resentful, hurt, or upset because you feel unappreciated, or worried that others are taking advantage of your generosity?

As you begin setting healthy boundaries, you’ll feel more empowered in your relationships, have a clearer sense of who you are and what you need, and feel more at home in yourself.



Taking Care of You

We work so hard to make sure everyone else’s needs are taken care of while ignoring or putting off our own. By the end of the day, we’re so exhausted that we don’t have enough mental or physical energy to figure out what we need or want.

The self care I’m talking about isn’t about spa days, or pedicures, or “girls weekends.” Care of self goes deeper. It’s simpler, it’s transformative, and it’s not always easy. 



Listening to All Our Parts

Coming soon….

Ready to take the next step?