1-on-1 Life Coaching for Women

Self CompassionBoundary SettingTake Good Care of You Life Transitions


Self-Compassion Coaching

I can’t tell you how many times I’ve called myself “stupid” or “idiot.” These are words I would never, ever say to a friend or any other person, but I would apply them to myself all the time. 

For the longest time, I never thought twice about it, but now, my heart aches when I think about how many years I spent treating myself like an outcast, or someone I couldn’t trust and was unworthy of love and respect. And I cringe when I think of how easy it was to allow others to treat me the same way, because they spoke to me in a tone that felt so familiar to me.


What’s your relationship with that critical part of yourself? 

Is there a part of you that looks for the mistakes and missteps and tells you all the ways you could have done it differently? Is there a part of you that doesn’t trust yourself?

We’re so quick to pour the shame and guilt onto ourselves. Though we know everyone makes mistakes, we blame ourselves for every little wrongdoing. We forget that our imperfections and our vulnerability are what make us beautifully human.

And maybe you think you need that critical part of yourself because she’s a truth teller who refuses to sugar coat things. Maybe you think that voice makes you stronger. What if that wasn’t true? 

There’s a belief out there that says “tough-love” is the answer to correct “bad” behavior. In fact, the research shows that a self-compassion practice—actually being kind to yourself when you make a mistake or say the wrong thing—can create long lasting, positive changes within you. That you learn to trust yourself, with all of your imperfections.

Self-compassion changes everything 

When I began my self-compassion practice, I was a little skeptical. I thought, “I’m supposed to be kind to myself even when I screw up? That’s ridiculous and self-absorbed.” 

Thankfully, there was a part of me that was yearning to live my life differently. The part that needed me to love me even in all the messiness of life was persistent enough to move past my skepticism. 

At this point, I can say that my self-compassion practice has transformed me. Self-compassion has remade my relationship with the most important person in my life: myself.  

I love myself (most of the time) and I’m very aware of when I’m being unkind to me. I can see myself with more compassion and, as a result, I’m also less judgmental and more compassionate towards others.

Imagine how your life would be different if you treated yourself like you would treat your best friend…

  • You’d be able to offer yourself the grace and compassion that you believe others deserve 

  • You would accept and trust that the imperfections are what make you the amazing woman you are

  • Your compassion for others’ humanness would flow out into the world

Coaching can help you choose self-compassion, now and throughout your life 

When we work together, we’ll identify that voice that wants to criticize. We’ll explore what’s really going on with your inner critic and figure out what she needs. You’ll learn to develop daily self-compassion practices so you can begin to speak to yourself like you’d speak to a beloved friend. 

Remember, I’ve been down this path. I see you and your struggles, and I believe that it is possible for you to transform your relationship with yourself. I know that changing the way you treat yourself will have an amazing effect on your relationship with others. Through the work we’ll do together you’ll discover what it is like to trust yourself, even in the tough, vulnerable moments.

When you make self-compassion part of your way of being, you’ll feel a deeper connection to what matters most and bring forth your amazing feminine gifts and joys to the world.

Ready to get started? Book a free discovery call.

What is your investment to come home to you?

Because we’re shifting life-long habits, and I want you to live and feel differently after working together, I offer 6-month packages to tap into your feminine energy and find that space within that feels like home. 

Here’s what you get: 

  • Each month:

    • Two 75-minute Coaching Sessions on Zoom (2 per month)

    • Integration Week:
      The weeks between the calls are for integration. You’ll receive an email prompts and have time to embody and embrace the work.

  • Throughout our time together you’ll have email and text support.


Six-Months of Coaching

One-time payment option:

  • Due 24 hours before we begin: $6,000

3-payment option:  

  • 24 hours before we begin the 1st payment of $3000 is due

  • The 2nd payment of $1525 is due in month 2

  • The 3rd payment of $1525 is due in month 3

Existing clients who’ve completed the 6-month package may opt for an additional 3-month package: $3,000

Payments are accepted through Stripe.

Congratulations for making an investment in you!