1-on-1 Coaching for Women
Self Compassion • Boundary Setting • Take Good Care of You • Life Transitions
Life Coaching for Life Transitions
As we move through our lives there are so many changes and transitions…
New relationships, motherhood, a new job, going back to school or starting a career, ending a relationship, loss, becoming an empty nester, menopause, or thinking ahead to retirement and retiring…the list goes on.
And of course, sometimes the transitions feel smooth and easy. But at other times transitions can feel bumpy, disruptive and really hard.
Trusted support and guidance can make all the difference.
Looking back, I can remember the feeling of excitement and fear on my first day as a grad student. I was 50 years old. I knew that being a therapist was the right next step for me and I had to go back to school to make it happen. But walking into the classroom that first day and looking around at all the 20 somethings chatting away, I felt like an outsider and parts of me doubted I’d made the right decision!
I yearned to feel connected and a part of the student body, and I also recognized for some of them, I was old enough to be their mom.
Having trusted support and guidance through all of it allowed me to focus on the end goal — my new career.
You might have all the steps in place, and thought through all the possible issues, but things don’t always go as planned.
You might have all the steps in place, and thought through all the possible issues, but things don’t always go as planned, and that can stir up a lot! And the intensity of your emotional reactivity can take you by surprise.
I’ve come to realize that as much as I work on preparing for whatever’s next in my life, the disruption of my routines and the emotions that surface during the transitions can make the process hard.
And I’ve learned to trust when it’s time to ask for help and support.
Coaching can help.
If you’re feeling overwhelmed, stressed, or stuck going into or out of a new stage of your life—whatever it might be— coaching can give you the clarity and focus to move forward, especially through the tough stuff.
Come back to yourself
Learn to trust your your inner wisdom
Fully embody your beautiful feminine energy
Using your intuition, the gifts of your wisest self, and your amazing strengths you’ll begin to move forward.
If you’d like support to work through this next part of your life, I’d love to help you feel more aligned, focused, and energized for whatever is next.
Are you ready? Book a free discovery call.

What is your investment to come home to you?
Because we’re shifting life-long habits, and I want you to live and feel differently after working together, I offer 6-month packages to tap into your feminine energy and find that space within that feels like home.
Here’s what you get:
Each month:
Two 75-minute Coaching Sessions on Zoom (2 per month)
Integration Week:
The weeks between the calls are for integration. You’ll receive an email prompts and have time to embody and embrace the work.
Throughout our time together you’ll have email and text support.
Six-Months of Coaching
One-time payment option:
Due 24 hours before we begin: $6,000
3-payment option:
24 hours before we begin the 1st payment of $3000 is due
The 2nd payment of $1525 is due in month 2
The 3rd payment of $1525 is due in month 3
Existing clients who’ve completed the 6-month package may opt for an additional 3-month package: $3,000
Payments are accepted through Stripe.
Congratulations for making an investment in you!